ESP32 -> Mes recommandations

Comment installer les bibliothèques ESP32 dans l’IDE ARDUINO

Débuter avec le «ESP32 Development Board»

+20 tutoriels gratuits et projets avec l’ESP32

Site de références sur le ESP32

ESP-IDF Programming Guide

ESP32 Series Datasheet

ESP32 Liste de lecture de Rui Santos

ESP32 Liste de lecture de Andreas Spiess

ESP32 tutorial (Easycoding)

Problèmes ESP32

ESP32 Troubleshooting Guide

Convertisseur Analogique-Digital

ADC and Sampling

Tech Note 069 – Using the ESP32 ADC and some of its more advanced functions


ON/OFF LED By Arduino + App Inventor + Bluetooth

ESP32 Arduino: Serial over Bluetooth Classic Getting Started

ESP32 Serial Channels

#152 Quickie: Additional ESP32 Serial Channels in Arduino IDE

Tech Note 081 – ESP32 Using the Hardware Serial Ports
(ajoutez « HardwareSerial Serial2(2); » avant void setup() dans le programme « ESP32_Using_Serial2.ino »)

Bluetooth BLE

Getting Started with ESP32 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) on Arduino IDE

ESP32 #71: Arduino Bluetooth (BLE) Robot Buggy with L298 (Android example)

#173 ESP32 Bluetooth BLE with Arduino IDE (Tutorial) and Polar H7

WEB server

ESP32 Web Server – Arduino IDE

ESP32 Static/Fixed IP Address

Build an All-in-One ESP32 Weather Station Shield

ESP32 Servo Motor Web Server with Arduino IDE

How to Set an ESP32 Access Point (AP) for Web Server


Install ESP32 Filesystem Uploader on Arduino IDE

ESP32 Web Server using SPIFFS (SPI Flash File System)

Mémoire Flash

ESP32 Flash Memory – Store Permanent Data (Write and Read)

Pour arriver à compiler, j’ai due mettre «Avertissement du compilateur» à l’option «Défaut». Menu «Fichier»->«Préférences» dans l’IDE Arduino

Mesure de température et d’humidité

ESP32 with DHT11 DHT22 Temperature Humidity Web Server using Arduino IDE

ESP32 avec plusieurs capteurs de température DS18B20

ESP32 et le senseur de précision AHT10

Librairie AHTxx.h

Mesure de la qualité de l’air

PMS5003 – IoT ESP32 Based PM2.5 Monitoring with Air Freshener System


ESP32 PWM with Arduino IDE

ESP32 Technical Tutorials: ESP32 and Pulse Width Modulation

ESP32 with DC Motor and L298N Motor Driver – Control Speed and Direction ( with ledc)

DC motor control using ESP32 (with ledc)

MCPWM Unité spécifique pour le contrôle de moteur CC

Motor control using ESP32 MCPWM

Exemples mcpwm

mcpwm peripheral issues


Tech Note 108 – ESP32 2D Sun Tracker using servo controlled gimbal

Dual Core

How to use ESP32 Dual Core with Arduino IDE

#168 ESP32 Dual Core on Arduino IDE including Data Passing and Task Synchronization

Date et heure

Getting Date and Time with ESP32 on Arduino IDE (NTP Client)

ESP32 No RTC No Problemo


ESP32 CAM – 10 Dollar Camera for IoT Project

20+ ESP32-CAM Projects

Pixy2 Camera – Image Recognition for Arduino & Raspberry Pi

Arduino OV7670 live image to screen

ESP32 with Camera and TFT Display (OV7670, FIFO)

Details on OV7670 with FIFO Programming

ESP32 I2S Camera (OV7670)

Liste de lecture Cameras Arduino – Esp32

OpenMV Review – Machine Vision Camera Module

Détecteur de mouvement et Interruption

ESP32 with PIR Motion Sensor using Interrupts and Timers


How to Use I2C LCD with ESP32 on Arduino IDE (ESP8266 compatible)

Comment utiliser LCD 1602 I2C ou LCD2004 avec Arduino – étape par étape – Robojax

Using LCD1602 or LCD2004 with ESP32 – Robojax


* How to make working the SPI TFT ILI9488 on ESP32

3.5″ TFT Color TOUCH Display-DRIVER ILI9488 for NodeMcu ESP32

How to make working the SPI TFT ILI9488 on ESP32

128×160 1.8″ TFT display with ST7735 controlled by ESP32

TUTORIAL: How to Wire up and Code a TFT LCD Screen with ESP32 (Arduino) ST7735R


Getting Started with ESP-NOW (ESP32 with Arduino IDE)

ESP32: Getting Board MAC Address

ESP32: WiFi and ESP-Now simultaneously

ESP NOW – Peer to Peer ESP32 Communications DroneBot Workshop

Mesure de voltages

ESP32 with an external ADC ADS1115

Contrôler la luminosité d’une DEL


Mesurer le poids à l’aide d’un ESP32

#161 Measuring weight using an ESP32, a strain gauge, and a HX711


DIY Cloud Weather Station with ESP32/ESP8266 (MySQL Database and PHP)


Telegram: ESP32 Motion Detection with Notifications (Arduino IDE)

Telegram: Request ESP32/ESP8266 Sensor Readings (Arduino IDE)

Telegram: Control ESP32/ESP8266 Outputs (Arduino IDE)


ESP32 full library for all MPU6000 MPU6050 MPU6500 MPU9150 MPU9250 with SPI and I2C support and more

I2C Test with my ESP32 Do-IT DevKit using Arduino IDE

Tutorial #23 ESP8266 – Obtener Inclinación con MPU6050 (GY-521)

* jrowberg/i2cdevlib (inclus MPU6050 et Quaternion)

Cryptage AES-128

ESP32 Arduino: Encryption using AES-128 in ECB mode

ESP32 Arduino Tutorial: Decrypt AES-128 in ECB mode

18650 Battery shields

Universal Power Source (UPS) for only 2$. Is this possible? (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP32)

Load Sharing for the 18650 Battery Shield V3

Tech Note 109 – ESP32/8266/Ardiuno Project Power Source

Détails sur les GPIO

Schéma des GPIO 
L’info réfère au Raspberry Pi, mais les GPIO du ESP32 utilisent des principes qui s’y rapprochent